Not exactly the best live shoot I've ever done but The Bronx are one of the best live bands. Brisbane 25th Feb 2011. Friday its the mutherfuckin Bronx day.
Its been a while since I was able to process b&w - which has been hard given I've never fully warmed to digital. Pregnancies, house moves, full time work, life in general - all made it a smidge hard to lock myself away in the darkroom. Which in essence has meant that I've not been shooting.
So I've made a compromise to get me through the next few months - shoot and process b&w but scan rather than print. Problem is, I completely suck and dislike Photoshop - which is good in a way as it makes me itch to print for reals (which I will be doing in a few months time).
Below are three of the five rolls I've processed today. Another two half-frame rolls to scan tomorrow.
So, take the quality and truckload of dust/drying marks (must by photoflow!) with a "whatever" and just enjoy me enjoying being back. And yeah, a ton of the fam, but I've got severe b&w catchups to do!